Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Moving Day!!

It's moving day. It doesn't seem real yet. I have so many thoughts racing through my mind-I feel like i'm in some sort of daze-like everything for the past two weeks has been one big blur (not just because of moving-it's a little bit of everything). As a general rule, I don't like change. There is something about it that absolutely scares me. I like staying in my comfort zone-around people and places I am familiar with. Maybe it's fear of failure...rejection...the uncertainty of it all. I mean, that's normal right?
     For some reason, though, I have an overwhelming peace about this whole thing. It's unusual really. I am normally a nervous wreck with even the smallest change. I think maybe that that peace is conformation that this is the right decision. I feel like this is going to be a GREAT growing experience.
     Some of you are probably like 'It's just a move-no big!' For me though, it is so much more than that. It's a new beginning. It's a chance to forgive and let go of things I have been holding onto for so many years. It's a chance to maybe gain some closure. It's a new adventure! and like I said before, it's a chance for me to grow as a woman of God. I am so anxious to see what God has in store for me as I begin this journey, this new chapter in my life!

Well, it's about that time. Next time I talk to you I will be an official resident of VA :)

Jer 29:11 <3